Category Archives: Marketing

What is programmatic advertising and why is it bigger than television?


If you have anything to do with marketing and advertising you must have heard the term programmatic. Usually mentioned by someone who is not entirely sure what it means. Some say programmatic is like sex – a lot of people are talking about it, but few are doing it and even fewer actually good at […]

The ultimate 2018 advertising strategy


The new year is coming and this is a great time to think about your advertising strategy for the following months. I don’t want to be a holiday spoiler, but after a week or so of chilling, the new year starts and all these brave resolutions will not turn into reality without getting ready to […]

How to Create a Great Marketing Plan


Creating marketing plan with a stable understanding of your tactic at each stage of the journey is crucial for the success of your efforts. The good part is that you don’t have to come up with some complicated ideas. Your plan will start showing up as soon as you dig in the signal your customers […]

Understanding Your Audiences with Google Analytics


Google Analytics is one of the best places to start from when you want to understand your audience. It’s free and easy to install on any website. If you want to know how to install it on WordPress website follow this video.   Once you have set it up and collected some data you can […]

Udacity Digital Marketing Nanodegree – Is it Worth it?


The Udacity Digital Marketing Nanodegree  is one of the new education products on the market. There was a time when experienced people would tell you that you cannot learn a profession, you must steal the knowledge from the ones before you, i.e. themselves. You would go to work every day, trying to get the information […]

10 Reasons You Should Invest in a Chatbot for Your Business Now


There is a new area which is likely to transform lead generation completely in the following years. There are number of reasons why business which catch this trend early enough will be able to profit immensely:     Reason 1. Chatbots have no working hours. They don’t go home after 6 pm, they don’t arrive […]

The Sales Funnel vs the Customer Journey


I prefer to concentrate on practical information rather than on theory. However, there are certain frameworks which can make things much easier when planning a marketing strategy.   University classes taught students till recently to think of marketing as of a funnel. On top of the funnel you have the vaguely interested people who just […]

Seven reasons why generating leads can make you super successful


Generating leads is a topic which I see sometimes is misunderstood. When people start thinking of marketing a new business or pushing a brand, they often think about social media posts, viral advertising, competitions and all kind of traffic generating technique. However, this is an approach, which is completely opposite to the logic. Here is […]

How to start advertising on Russia’s search giant Yandex?


  As you might probably know, Google is not an omnipotent search engine company. It is even forbidden in certain countries lie China for example. In other places the network is much less preferred compared to local ones.   Russia is a very specific case when it comes to digital platforms available. Facebook and LinkedIn […]