Google’s Smart Display Campaigns – Machine Learning Power at its best

Smart display campaigns are the latest brainchild of Google when it comes to programmatic advertising. They were launched over a…


The Audience Insights Report in Google AdWords – find out who your customer is

The Audience Insights Report in Google AdWords is one of the best thing about this platform. It looks even better…


Common Mistakes on Google AdWords – Why the Recommended is not Recommended?

There are a lot of common mistakes on Google AdWords which might be hidden under outdated recommendations, automatic messages and…


Landing Page Strategy Using Psychology

For the last couple of months, I have been working on a video course about landing page strategy with psychology,…


Understanding the Customer Journey with Google Analytics

Few months ago, I wrote about the difference between the sales funnel and customer journey. Since then I have been…


Blue Ocean Strategy for Online Marketers

You might have heard of a book called Blue Ocean Strategy. If you haven’t, find it as soon as you…


Five rules of successful marketing positioning

I have recently been reading an amazing marketing classics Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind by Jack Trout. It is…


Google AdWords Display Keyword Evolution

Hey AdWords fans, how are you doing? Using Display keywords has become one of the most often applied practices amongst…


The 7 phases of a successful online sales funnel

I have recently been reading one of the greatest books about digital marketing I have encountered so far Dotcom Secrets…


How to avoid these common geo-targeting traps with Google Adwords

OK, you have set up your campaign and you can’t wait to get your results coming in. Very often everything…
