Seven reasons why generating leads can make you super successful


Generating leads is a topic which I see sometimes is misunderstood. When people start thinking of marketing a new business or pushing a brand, they often think about social media posts, viral advertising, competitions and all kind of traffic generating technique. However, this is an approach, which is completely opposite to the logic. Here is why:

1. Most traffic is completely lost,

if your website is not prepared to capture it. Sending traffic to a website which has only “Buy now” and “Contact us” sections is tough. 90% of people need minimum of 8 interactions of your brand before they make a purchase. Therefore, if they only see your website once for a first time, it is difficult to bring them back.

2. There is no free traffic.

Traffic is paid with time, effort and money and often with all of them at once.
3. It builds trust in your audience.

The fact that you are not forcing people to buy directly from you, but offer a piece of valuable information, in exchange of an opt in, is making you look more trustworthy.

4. Gain trust.

By careful email marketing strategy, you can establish a positive image in the eyes of your prospects.

5. Access to free traffic.

You don’t have to think how to bring traffic for a new product – you already have your list built up. You can simply send them an update and watch the ripple effect.

6. Segment.

You can easily segment people according to the different information they downloaded from your website and send them material only on this subject. It shows personal approach.


You can use your mail list for retargeting with Facebook, Google or LinkedIn ads. In this way, you can reengage with people who are not opening or clicking on your emails.
Generating leads has never been so easy as now Facebook and LinkedIn offer lead form ads, which have prepopulated forms with the contact details people already shared to create accounts. They can download your free information in two taps on a phone and you get their emails instantly in your database. If paying for ads is not in your budget yet, there are many other ways you can get people to come to your lead magnet page.

I will soon be offering a marketing strategy course online, in which I will cover this topic in a lot more detail. Stay tuned!